This full-day workshop is an opportunity to heal past issues and set an intention or vision for the coming year. Rather than going out into the wilderness for a vision quest, we will utilize the power of sound to take us on an inner journey of intention and exploration. Whatever comes up for you during your journey will then be transformed into a visual image that you can use to hold that intention or awareness in place as a meditative tool or daily inspiration and remembrance.
Opening: Introduction, and a short discussion of possibility/intention. This could be healing a specific issue- physical or emotional, dealing with grief or loss, or something more general such as spiritual growth and transformation. Questions to consider- is there anything you would like to release or let go of? Is there anything you would like to invite or integrate more fully?
Visioning with Sacred Sound: A sound journey using a powerful selection of acoustic instruments- gongs, crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, wind and percussive instruments- will stimulate any number of responses. It may evoke memories, physical or emotional release, visions, or clarity on a particular issue. This is an opportunity to simply allow, receive and see what comes. Sound is a carrier wave for intention. By setting the intention before the sound journey there is an opportunity here for deep healing and clarity on many levels.
Expressive Art: To help clarify, ground and crystallize your intention and vision during the sound journey the next process will be creating your personal vision board- expressing your inner vision through the process of collage and other art mediums.
Closing: Another short sound journey to close and complete our process followed by an opportunity for each person to share any insight they may have received during their experience of the day.
Cost: $110- $35 deposit required by January 5 to reserve place
$95 if paid in full prior to workshop.
Collage by Rosie Warburton after sound journey, January 2016. During this workshop I discovered the even when I facilitated a sound journey I could receive a vision, which in this case was around the 5 elements- earth, water, fire, air and akash (ether).