Sound Traveling

Years ago when I was living in Florida, I was on the phone with a friend and making plans to go up to New York to teach a workshop and do some private sessions. She was very surprised that I was willing to drive up there and I said without even thinking about it, “Of course! I’m the traveling soundweaver!”I was almost as surprised as she was to hear those words come out of my mouth but it marked the beginning of a new way of thinking about my work and also became the name of my vibroacoustic environment, which consists of a vibroacoustic mattress with speakers built into it on top of a massage table, surrounded by a copper dodecahedron.

There are many ways to travel on the vibrations of sound. With vibroacoustic therapy the frequencies of the music are moving through the body and quickly facilitating a state of deep relaxation. The movement of sound through the mat can actually create a feeling as though the body itself is undulating as the sound waves move through the body.

Sound immersion through healing sound journeys, sound baths or sessions with Himalayan singing bowls placed around the body create a very different and oftentimes equally as powerful a response, as the layering of sound produces overtones which have a powerful effect on the subtle energy fields. The combinations of intervals can also create binaural beats which entrain the brainwaves typically to a deep alpha or theta state, promoting spontaneous inner visions, clarity on core issues and often a deep meditative state.

Self-generated sound- singing, toning, humming, chanting- is a world unto itself which we all have immeditae access. I leave that one open for you to play with. Some suggestions: make an elongated sound with your mouth open. Now with your mouth closed. How is it different? Try humming and sending the sound to different parts of the body. Sing your favorite song- or your favorite childhood song letting go of any judgment around how you think it should sound. Just be like a child and let it out! How does that feel?