Okay, really- I was actually thinking about tuning forks! It’s just that 90% of any little grouping of words reminds me of some song from my past… and all that is past is part of my present, part of the person I am today. As Greg Brown said, “There is no time. That’s why I missed my plane.” If you don’t believe me, listen to this sweet song!
Okay… let me get to my point. Tuning forks, tuning the brain. This is all I want to say. Brain tuners are brilliant, creating a binaural beat and quickly entraining one’s brainwaves to the state that is most helpful for where you find yourself in the moment and where you would like to be. For me, I tend to either go for delta tuners to help me sleep, or beta tuners to help me get organized. In fact, I used them just before I sat down here to write. I used them once earlier today as well when I wanted to get some stuff done around the house but was having a hard time focusing. As I listened to the two tones, one tuning fork at each ear, a microtone apart, just enough to create a standing wave somewhere between 13 and 20 hz (cycles per second), I felt my energy and awareness shift. My head literally cleared as if there had been a light fog that lifted. My awareness of the space around me was suddenly acute and I thought, “I just used these for ten seconds and turned into a scientist.” Kind of joking… but not. They absolutely activated a different area of my brain, the part that is highly curious and analytical.
Later today, as I said, I used them again- just a little while ago. Hours had gone by. I had spent some time doing errands, cooking (creatively- I decided to try my hand at homemade tofu!), and doing some other household tasks. I had been looking at videos for a while, studying some crocheting techniques for a project and my vision had been sort of locked into looking at things close up. I hadn’t looked at the sky in a while or out the windows at the birds- it was focused just a few feet in front of me, at most, for easily a couple of hours between reading recipes, cooking and then watching videos on my phone.
When I used the brain tuners, standing in my living room, suddenly my vision opened up and I saw the beautiful amaryllis across the room on the far side of my dining room. There was a vibrance and a clarity of vision as well as a clarity of intention and direction.
Brain Tuners are among the many excellent sets of tuning forks created by John Beaulieu, one of my favorite teachers and available right here. I cannot recommend them highly enough.
Thank you Dr. Beaulieu for all your wonderful teaching and your great humour!